- ALTAZ -- Move the telescope to a specified alt/az position
- CD -- Close the Dome slit.
- CENTER -- move the telescope to CENTER on an object in an image based on the current image display.
- CF -- Close the command File.
- CL -- Close the Louvers - the large vents at the floor of the dome.
- CLOSE -- CLOSEs the guide shutter.
- CO -- move the telescope to the COordinates given as hh mm ss dd mm ss.
- DI -- Dome Initialization command.
- -DISK/+DISK -- turn off/on autosaving of images to DISK.
- -DISPLAY/+DISPLAY -- turn off/on auto DISPLAYing of images.
- DF [
f] -- move focus position by Delta Focus =
- DM -- toggle DoMe tracking on/off.
- EXP [time] -- take an EXPosure of length time seconds.
- FILENAME [name] -- change the default root for image FILENAMEs to name.
- FILL -- FILL the dewar
- FLAT ndesired nmax startexp fudge -- takes a series of FLAT field images; see text for more.
- FO [f] -- move to FOcus position f.
- FOCRUN -- FOcus RUN.
- FUDGE -- setup for STAN command.
- FULLSCALE -- set autoscaling of images to have greyscaling showing FULLSCALE of image.
- GCENTER -- CENTER command for guider.
- GEXP -- EXP command for guider.
- GFLAT -- FLAT command for guider.
- GFOCRUN -- FOcus RUN in the Guider.
- GFULLSCALE -- FULLSCALE command for guider.
- GLOCATE -- LOCATE command for guider.
y] -- Offset the telescope by a specified number of pixels in the guider
- GSAMESCALE -- SAMESCALE command for guider.
- GSKYSCALE -- SKYSCALE command for guider.
- GUIDE -- turn on the GUIDE system.
- GUIDEOFF -- turn the GUIDE system OFF; for long exposures, a warning will come up if guiding if off.
- GUPDATE [n] -- UPDATE the number of Guide exposures to determine centroid.
- GSIZE [n] -- set the SIZE of box used by Guide camera for computing star centroids.
- HP -- HelP command.
- INIT -- INITialize telescope.
- INPUT filenmae -- execute a series of commands from the specified
INPUT file
- INST -- select a new default instrument for pointing (currently, either
science CCD or guider CCD.
- LOCATE -- move the telescope such that object in current image display
is moved to some other specified LOCATION in the display.
- MEXP [time number] -- take number of Multiple
EXPosures of length time seconds.
- NE -- change to a New Epoch for coordinates.
NEWEXT [ext] -- give a NEW EXTension for the next image file.
- NOSHUTTER -- set guide camera to use NO SHUTTER during guide exposures.
- OBJECT -- specify OBJECT name for FITS header.
- OD -- Open the Dome slit.
- OF -- Open the command File created by user.
y] -- Offset the telescope by a specified number of pixels.
- OL -- Open the Louvers - the large vents at the floor of the dome.
- OPEN -- OPEN the guide camera shutters.
- OS -- Open the Standard star file.
- PA -- change the Position Angle of the detector.
- PM -- move the telescope to a position of one of the last five
Previous Move positions.
- QCK [time] -- take a QuiCK exposure of
length time seconds, but do not save it.
- QM [
DEC ] -- do a Quick Move with the offset in RA and DEC in arcsec.
- QU -- QUit the telescope command program gracefully.
- RF [id] -- Read from command File created by user and move telescope to object id.
- RS -- Read from Standard star file.
- SA -- set the telescope to point at a SAo star.
- SAMESCALE -- set autoscaling of images for future images to be the SAMESCALE as current image.
- SCALE low high -- redisplay current image with new grey SCALE between low and high.
- SHUTTER -- sets guide CCD camera into normal SHUTTER mode.
- SKYSCALE -- set autoscaling of images to have greySCALE levels around mean SKY level.
- SLEEP [t] -- suspend operation (sleep) for specified number of seconds.
- STAN [n] -- take an exposure through filter number n of a STANdard star; program determines exp time.
- ST -- STow the telescope to stow position to quit.
- TR -- toggle TRacking on and off.
- UC - Update bf Coordinates for current telescope pointing.
- WRITE -- toggles to mode where guide exposures are WRITEen to disk; default is not to save images.